Chinese News Uses Gundam Footage In Item On Japan’s Military

Chinese state TV channel accidentally shows Gundam footage when discussing Japanese military

An amusing incident occurred recently on China’s state-owned TV network when, during a discussion of Japan’s security measures, footage of a Gundam appeared alongside actual Japanese aircraft and battleships. The gigantic mobile suit seemed to go unnoticed by the TV presenters at the time since it was only visible for a brief second. Internet users noticed that this particular Gundam had been taken from a Japanese commercial for Nissin Cup noodles, but that does little to explain how the clip made it into the news reel.

From Yahoo! Japan:

“Gundam Shown In Footage of JDF On Chinese State TV, “We Can’t Beat Japan If They Have A Gundam.”

Chinese news program shows Gundam footage when discussing Japanese military

The news item on CCTV.

China is abuzz after a Gundam, a Japanese cartoon robot character, appeared in what was allegedly footage of the Japan Self-Defense Force during a special broadcast by China’s state-owned TV about Japan’s security laws.

On June 30th, China’s state-owned TV network aired a 30 minute special. The program was critical of Prime Minister Abe and his security laws, with specialists appearing in studio to explain the roles and strategies of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces. During all this, the words “Japan Self-Defense Force materials” were added on-screen and footage purported to be that of the Self Defense Force was shown, but…

“Just as I thought, this is for Japan’s strategic advantage.”

There, all of a sudden, a Gundam appeared. The Gundam was shown for a split second, then immediately after changed to footage of a Japanese “Aegis”-type battleship.

Online, comments poured in from Chinese viewers who had seen the program.
“Of course Japan has a Gundam.”
“If Japan’s got a Gundam, there’s no way China can win.”
“Are the guys over at the state-run broadcast a bunch of morons?”

Additionally, there was footage of other supposed weaponry that had appeared in anime other than Gundam as well as unrelated footage of things like American aircraft carriers. Current Self-Defense Force members who saw the video had this to say:

“I doubt a Gundam would be useful in actual combat.” (JDF member)

“Wouldn’t the town get destroyed?” “ (JDF member)

The Gundam footage which was shown on China’s state-owned TV bears a strong resemblance to a commercial that aired in Japan and appears to have been obtained illegally through the Internet, but it’s unclear as to how or why the footage was used.

Comments from 2 ch:


So it’s true, there was a Gundam. The Special Defense Forces are amazing.


But what is this originally from?
There haven’t been any live-action depictions of Gundams.

イス攻撃(dion軍)@\(^o^)/ :

The serious responses from the JDF made me laugh www


It’s top secret but Gundams are already being deployed!!

垂直落下式DDT(西日本)@\(^o^)/ :

A large number of Zakus would be better than a Gundam


Ugh, are you kidding me? They spilled the beans about the underground Gundams? www

パイルドライバー(千葉県)@\(^o^)/ :

I wonder if China has any idea that they’re the Zeon Army.

ハーフネルソンスープレックス(庭)@\(^o^)/ :

Even if there were Gundams, you’d need a pilot as good as Amuro Ray


China’s information agency is just awful as you’d imagine.

雪崩式ブレーンバスター(栃木県)@\(^o^)/ :

There must be a Japanese otaku working at state-owned TV.
No doubt he’ll be done away with later.

32文ロケット砲(dion軍)@\(^o^)/ :

There’s also the ever so slight possibility that Godzilla could be born out of the Fukushima disaster.

セントーン(徳島県)@\(^o^)/ :

Why wasn’t the Space Battleship Yamato shown?
It’ the most relevant.


Isn’t this divulging state secrets?

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