Student Caught Cheating on Driving Test After Failing 20 Times

A student is caught cheating at drivers' test after failing 20 times.

While an elderly man’s driving mishap ended in tragedy earlier this week, a teen’s epic quest to obtain his driver’s license has met with considerably more lighthearted results. After failing the written portion of the driver’s license exam as many as 20 times in a row, a Fukuoka high school student resorted to desperate measures and convinced a friend to show up to the exam in his place. Unsurprisingly, they were caught in the act.

The plight of these two buffoons has caught the attention of users, who have reacted to the story with a mix of hilarity, disbelief, and even a little sympathy. The unfortunate student will remain without a license even as he faces criminal charges for his actions.

From Yomiuri Online:

Youth Fails Motorcycle License Exam 20 Times… Charged With Using a Stand-In

On September 5, the Minami division of the Fukuoka prefectural police announced the closure of their investigation into a male first-year high school student and another unemployed youth (both 16 years old and living in Kasuga) for trying to illegally obtain a driver’s license for a motorcycle. The police announced that the pair has been sent to the Fukuoka District Prosecutor’s Office on charges of forgery and attempted use of false official documents.

According to the announcement, the two were complicit in illegal activity at the Fukuoka driver’s license examination hall in Minami ward, Fukuoka on August 14. In order to illegally obtain a license for the high school student, the second youth allegedly took the exam after entering the student’s name on the exam sheet, but was unable to achieve his goal after the plot was discovered.

The student went to receive the exam admission ticket, which had a picture of his face attached, then switched places with the second youth at the examination hall. After the exam began, the supervising police officer realized that the youth’s face was different from the one in the picture on the exam admission ticket, and apparently the youth fled the scene. The police arrested the youth on suspicion of this crime on August 28. The student turned himself in the following day.

The student admitted to the charges and said, “I asked him to do it because I had already failed the written test about 20 times.” The youth apparently stated, “I couldn’t just keep watching him fail, so I took the exam for him.”

Comments from


What an idiot! www


It was the written and not the practical skills test?!


Are there really humans out there that could fail this 20 times?


I wonder what you could possibly do to fail one of those tests…


I wonder why he didn’t think “If I’ve failed 20 times, they might remember my name and face.”

名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/ [in response to above]:

I think if he was smart enough to think of something like that, he wouldn’t have failed 20 times.


I somehow can’t bring myself to hate this kid, he worked so damn hard to get his license even though there are plenty of idiots like him out there who are just fine going without their licenses.


Just ride a bike!

名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/ :

20 times… Do you even have brains inside your head?


It’s possible his writing is illegible or something on a similar level.


I wonder if he’s just too honest and he just kept getting caught on the trick questions.


Since he’s in a place of being caught up on such a trivial obstacle, it must mean he’s really pure by nature, huh? w

名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/ :

I feel like the test was at the level where my first thought was, was there really a written test to get your driver’s license?…


He might be at the level of not even being able to write his name w


If your brain function is so ultralow that you fail the written test 20 times, then you’re definitely gonna fail at planning by yourself for a proxy to take the test. Sneaking in a substitute to take the test is a much higher degree of difficulty!


Well, at least they still let him go to high school I guess.


I want to praise the fact that he didn’t try to drive without a license ww (´・ω・`)


I somehow feel a little sorry for him. The fact that he had the enthusiasm to go this far but he couldn’t pass is not just a problem of his personal effort. He probably has a mental disability.


Wowww, he became the school hero in one bound www


In the area around the examination hall there must be facilities where you can take a class for around 5000 yen. I wonder if he didn’t make use of that?

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