Japanese Netizens Offended By Racist Sign in Chinese Diner

The racist sign photographed in a Chinese restaurant and uploaded to Facebook.

The racist sign photographed in a Chinese restaurant and uploaded to Facebook.

Relations between China and Japan are seeing troubled times. While this is not entirely due to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Dispute, it appears that the disputes have led to incidents that would otherwise probably have been ignored by the media being picked up and becoming a sensation among Japanese netizens, in particular the vocal, right-wing netouyo.

The article below is another example of a relatively small-scale racist incident triggering a flurry of comments on Yahoo! Japan. While Japanese netizens are naturally unhappy about the sign, some Chinese netizens also took to Facebook to express their distaste with the sign, seeing it as a consequence of nationalist policies on the part of the Communist Party of China.

From Yahoo! News:

A Diner in Beijing has Sign Reading “No Dogs, Japanese, Filipinos or Vietnamese”, Reports Chinese-American Press

A diner in Beijing put up a notice saying “No Entry for Japanese, Filipinos, Vietnamese, or dogs” in front of their shop. A photograph of the sign was posted on SNS (Social Network Service) Facebook where it was shared by many users. At the same time, it also attracted a flood of critical comments, reported the American Chinese language news service DW News on February 25.

It was posted under the title “Racism full of nationalistic furor”. According to the contributor, the photo was taken on February 21. The diner in question was a famous tourist spot which attracted a lot of foreign tourists close to the Prince Gong Mansion in Houhai. Mr. Wang, the manager, said that “This restaurant has been open for two years. The reason we put up the sign was because of patriotic feelings. Many of our customers approve”.

However, many of the comments added on Facebook criticised this attitude, saying “It’s the CCP’s fault. They conceal information on the outside world and distort history so many Chinese people insist on ignorant things”, and the original poster of the photo themselves claimed that “The CCP is fostering nationalism to distract citizens from societal problems of corruption, injustice or pollution”.

Comments from Yahoo! Japan:


Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. We won’t come to your restaurant then (笑)


I wouldn’t have gone in even if they hadn’t say that. I wouldn’t even go to China in the first place~ w


I wouldn’t have gone even if they had not put out that sign.
I’d only want to go to China if I were someone miserable and broken w


What a warm welcome! I don’t really want to eat cooking with poison in it (笑)


I don’t wanna go to China so I don’t care.


No one wants to go to poison smog-ridden Beijing anymore!


A diner in Beijing has a sign saying “no dogs, Japanese, Filipinos, Vietnamese”. When I think that that is what people think there, I don’t want to travel anymore.


Now way ima go there! Cos you couldn’t trust what they’d serve you


There are shops warning Chinese people [to not come in] are all over the world.


Get away, get away!This is an escape from China…!


I don’t wanna eat Chinese food


I would not go into a diner or anything like that in Beijing even if they asked, you wouldn’t know what they’d serve you.


I wouldn’t bother going to such a dirty ad un-cool diner even if they hadn’t gone to the trouble of putting the sign up.


Cause no one’s gonna go into a restaurant that doesn’t appeal to them (笑)


This is the true story from a Chinese cook: In restaurants that Japanese tour groups visit, there are cooks who find it hilarious to spit or add dandruff to the food. That guy hated that kind of workplace so he resigned.


I don’t get the dudes who wanna travel in such a country.


It is just as a fully-grown adult picking on a child. That is a good metaphor for the country called China.


Dogs are a precious source of food. Doggie, don’t go in or you’ll get cut up into pieces!


That’s good, Chinese people themselves are getting angry and declaring this anger across the world. You’re really hopeless idiots.


Do they serve food with PM2.5 in it? Chinese food is not safe!

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